Just a 90s Mama Raising Her Rugrat


Being a mom in the 90s was a unique experience. It was a time of scrunchies, neon colors, and boy bands. But for some of us, it was also a time of sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and trying to balance it all while still maintaining our sanity. As a 90s mama raising my own rugrat, I can attest to the challenges and joys of parenting during that decade. In this article, I will share my experiences and insights on what it means to be a 90s mama.

The Challenges of Being a 90s Mama

Just a 90s Mama Raising Her Rugrat

Juggling Motherhood and Career

As women in the 90s, we were raised to believe that we could have it all – a successful career and a happy family. And while that may be true, it certainly didn’t come without its challenges. Many of us found ourselves struggling to balance motherhood with our careers. On one hand, we wanted to be there for our children and witness every milestone, but on the other hand, we didn’t want to give up our dreams and ambitions.

The guilt: One of the biggest challenges for me as a 90s mama was the constant guilt I felt. Whether I was at work or at home, I always felt like I was neglecting something. If I stayed late at the office, I felt guilty for not being there for my child’s bedtime routine. But if I left work early to attend a school event, I felt guilty for not getting enough work done. It was a never-ending cycle of guilt that many of us struggled with.

Finding childcare: Another challenge for working moms in the 90s was finding reliable and affordable childcare. Daycare centers were often expensive, and finding a trustworthy babysitter was no easy task. As a result, many of us had to rely on family members or friends to help look after our children.

Limited options for flexible work arrangements: Unlike today, the concept of remote work or flexible schedules was not common in the 90s. This meant that many of us had to adhere to strict working hours and couldn’t take time off easily when our child was sick or had a school event. It added another layer of stress to an already challenging situation.

Navigating Parenting without Technology

One thing that sets apart 90s mamas from those of today is the lack of technology. While we may have had pagers and landline phones, we didn’t have smartphones, social media, or YouTube parenting channels to turn to for advice. We had to rely on our own instincts and the advice of family and friends.

Trial and error: Parenting in the 90s was all about trial and error. We didn’t have the luxury of googling every little question or concern we had. Instead, we had to figure things out on our own through trial and error. While it may have been frustrating at times, it also allowed us to develop our own unique parenting style.

Limited resources: Without the internet, we also had limited access to information and resources on parenting. If we had questions or concerns, we had to rely on books, magazines, or our own parents for guidance. And while this may have been challenging, it also forced us to trust our instincts and become more self-reliant.

Being present in the moment: With the absence of smartphones and social media, we were able to fully be present in the moment with our children. We didn’t have distractions constantly pulling us away from our kids. Instead, we were able to focus on them and create meaningful memories without the constant urge to document everything on social media.

The Joys of Being a 90s Mama

Just a 90s Mama Raising Her Rugrat

Embracing the 90s Culture with Our Kids

As 90s mamas, we have the unique opportunity to introduce our kids to the culture and trends of our own childhood. From Disney movies to boy bands, we get to relive our favorite things from the decade through our children’s eyes.

Sharing our favorite movies and TV shows: One of my favorite things about being a 90s mama is sharing my favorite movies and TV shows from that era with my child. Whether it’s watching “The Lion King” or “Saved by the Bell,” it’s a fun and nostalgic experience for both of us.

Introducing them to our childhood toys: Another joy of being a 90s mama is introducing our children to the toys we grew up with. From Tamagotchis to Polly Pockets, it’s fun to see our kids’ reactions to the toys we once cherished.

Teaching them about the music of our generation: The 90s was a decade filled with iconic music that still holds a special place in our hearts. As 90s mamas, we have the pleasure of teaching our kids about the music we grew up listening to and creating new memories together.

Building Strong Relationships with Our Children

Despite the challenges of juggling motherhood and career, being a 90s mama also allowed us to build strong relationships with our children. Without the distractions of technology, we were able to truly connect with our kids and create lasting bonds.

Quality time over quantity: With limited technology, we didn’t have the constant distractions that are present in today’s world. This allowed us to focus on spending quality, uninterrupted time with our children. Whether it was playing board games or going for walks, we were able to create meaningful memories with our kids.

Being role models for our children: As working moms in the 90s, we showed our children that women can balance both a career and family. We were role models for our kids and taught them the importance of hard work, determination, and perseverance.

Involving our children in decision-making: Without the constant pressures of social media and parenting blogs, we were able to make decisions for our children based on our own values and beliefs. This also meant involving our kids in decision-making and teaching them how to make their own choices.

FAQs about Being a 90s Mama

Just a 90s Mama Raising Her Rugrat

What challenges did 90s mamas face that are different from modern moms?

Some of the main challenges that 90s mamas faced that are different from modern moms include the lack of technology, limited options for flexible work arrangements, and finding reliable childcare.

How did 90s mamas balance motherhood and career?

90s mamas often had to juggle multiple responsibilities and constantly felt guilty about not being able to give enough time to either one. They also relied on family and friends for childcare and didn’t have the option of working remotely or having flexible schedules like modern moms.

What was the role of technology in parenting during the 90s?

Technology played a minimal role in parenting during the 90s. Unlike today, there was no social media or smartphones to turn to for advice or support. Instead, 90s mamas had to rely on their own instincts and the advice of family and friends.

How has parenting changed since the 90s?

Parenting has changed significantly since the 90s with the advancements in technology. Modern moms have access to unlimited resources and support through social media and parenting blogs. They also have more options for flexible work arrangements and childcare.

What are some valuable lessons that 90s mamas can teach modern moms?

90s mamas can teach modern moms the importance of being present in the moment, trusting their instincts, and finding a balance between motherhood and career. They can also show modern moms that it’s possible to raise happy and successful children without the constant pressures of technology.


Just a 90s Mama Raising Her Rugrat

Being a 90s mama was a unique experience filled with challenges and joys. We had to balance motherhood with our careers without the help of technology, but we were also able to build strong relationships with our children and introduce them to the culture of our generation. As we look back on that decade, we can be proud of how we raised our rugrats in a time before smartphones, social media, and endless parenting advice. And while times have changed, our love for our children will always remain the same.

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